HSKP Peace Project District charsadda

Intended to keep people away from anti-social activities

Its main and important project of HSKP (Help System Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Organization). HSKP is a Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa based Voluntary Social Welfare Organization working on social activities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Intended to Keep Away from Anti-Social Activities is an objective of HSKP in which we are working on Youth Welfare i.e. providing them healthy activities (Sports Activities, Tourism and Mental Health Activities).

Sports Activities

HSKP provide healthy and sports activities in shape of Cricket Team for District Charsdda Youth. HSKP took trials in District Charsadda (Tehsil Tangi, Charsadda and Shaqadar) and complete a cricket team and organize cricket tournament and league for them. HSKP have more than 20 players in team and playing.

If youth of our society are in Peace so you can think that our coming generation will be in Peace. So HSKP is thinking and doing on Youth Welfare.

HELP SYSTEM KHYBER PAKHTUNKWA ORGANIZATION is a self-funded voluntary social welfare organization.

“When things change inside you, things change around you.”

Peace remains a goal for introspective individuals around the world. The lifelong search for inner peace challenges us to learn more about ourselves while allowing us to evolve with the seasons


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